Greene’s Water Wells Inc

Choose The Right Cleaning Procedure

well maintenanced

When inspecting make sure it is sealed tightly, look for evidence of tampering, and very important, look for cracks. If your well cap has a lock, check to see if the lock has been tampered with. bacteria levels can rise from their droppings and sometime the bugs themselves can get trapped in the wells, die, and decompose in the well water. Here is more information about well caps a small component that can make a big difference in water quality. A properly installed well cap keeps potential pollutants out of the well and most importantly out of the drinking water. Keeps out bugs and vermin that can crawl inside a well and cause bigger issues in a well.

The decision to do comprehensive rehab is often only based on changes in specific capacity of the water well. While monitoring specific capacity is a reliable practice and should be done for every well, it will often fail to tell the whole story. With that in mind, this article is specifically about water well maintenance. But, instead of beginning with the reasons why it makes sense, let’s begin with some foundational information about well plugging. For more information, visit one of the links below or contact your local health department or the EPA Safe Drinking Water Hotline at . Once your well has reached its serviceable life , have a licensed or certified water well driller and pump installer decommission the existing well and construct a new well.

well maintenanced

There are two basic approaches to well cleaning—mechanical and chemical, with the most effective strategy often being a combination of the two. Within both the chemical and mechanical methods is an array of options. A water well system contractor is best qualified to help the well owner decide which methods to use, depending on the condition of the well. The water tests positive for total coliform and/or overall biological activity.

Seasonal Well Maintenance & Testing

This area is the most common location of nuisance bacteria including sulfate reducing bacteria and environmental coliforms. Removal of this material is important for effective cleaning and disinfection.

The problem with this is that the things that could literally be killing them are not visible, do not smell and have no taste. Some of these contaminants, like pathogenic bacteria, can be harmful in the short term. Others, like some heavy metals and volatile organic compounds, will start to affect the body several years out.

Description of modern well disinfection processes is provided here. Such an inspection may lead to the conclusion that well cleaning is not cost-effective vs. constructing a new well.

They are urging these well owners to have their water tested to establish a baseline on its quality and safety. The amount of water an individual needs is related to what they eat , where they live, their size, and what they are doing. In fact, drinking too much water can lead to serious health issues. In addition to having their well water tested for fecal coliform bacteria, well owners are also being advised to disinfect their wells. And, following the disinfection, they are advised to test their water before using it if it does not taste, smell or look like it did before the flooding began. The S.C. DHEC will test the well water for fecal coliform bacteria to make sure the water is safe to drink.

You can have a lot of deposits building up in well environments before they start impacting any type of capacity. So , you end up having significant deposits and plugging before we’re forced to undertake a cleaning. The deposits become much more mineralized and harder to remove by that point. Don’t think because you’ve lost only 10 percent of your specific pumping capacity that you only have 10 percent plugging of your well.

well maintenanced

Following the devastating floods in South Carolina this past week, the South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control is providing water testing for private well owners. Well cleaning should be followed immediately by a thorough disin­fection of the well system and its immediate environment. Disinfection of the well should be completed by the water well contractor to ensure that it is done properly.

Test after any flooding in or near the well, to determine if flood water carried bacteria or other contaminants into the well system. When your well reaches the end of its serviceable life, usually more than 20 years, contact your water well professional to install a new system and properly close the old well. Have the well system, well maintenanced including the pump, storage tank, pipes and valves, and water flow, inspected every 10 years by a qualified well driller or pump installer. Our clients are our number one priority, and we make the effort to ensure that they are completely satisfied with our work. Our services are designed to tackle even the most complex problems.

If your well water is polluted, it is unsafe to drink and can cause health complications. Search for «well water contaminants» on the Internet to review how different pollutants can wind up in your well water. Hire a professional if you suspect or notice cracks or corrosion. Cracks and corrosion can result in pollutants entering your water supply, which can make you and your family sick. If you encounter any damages to your well or changes in water conditions, contact a professional to come and inspect your system. Check your well cover and well cap every 1-2 weeks to ensure it is intact. A broken or missing cap can lead to well pollution, so take a peek at your well cover and cap periodically.

In other words, if nitrates are getting into your well water from a nearby farm that is using a lot of fertilizers, other contaminants could be as well. Hanten says spring is a season when bacteria tend to enter well water thanks to increased precipitation. “Municipalities are fully-staffed with people who regularly collect and analyze samples to ensure the public’s water quality is safe. Nobody is doing that for a private well unless the property owner does it for themselves,” he says.

Nitrate is one of the primary contaminants that the EPA says well owners should test for, ideally on an annual basis. It’s part of the preventative maintenance we encourage well owners to do that includes an essential indicators water test and well water sanitizing. You can install an under-counter filter that removes these additives while keeping the healthy things in your drinking water. After all, the water is tested and treated every day for the bad bacteria. Plus, it contains naturally occurring minerals that are good for you.

Before you fill your bottles, review the instructions on your particular test kit. Avoid changing the flow of your water, and avoid rinsing or touching the inside of your testing bottles. Remove your bottle from the stream of water before it overflows. If you happen to bump the faucet, disinfect the faucet again and restart your 5 minute timer. Be aware that bacteria tests are time sensitive, and you must return them to the lab within 30 hours.

“Like our teeth, our vehicle, or our house, if we don’t maintain our water wells, we could be asking for trouble,” says Kevin McGinnis of Cotey Chemical Corp. in Lubbock, Texas. “Anyone who has had to have an engine overhauled or replaced or had to buy a new vehicle will agree proper maintenance always pays off.

As nice as window wells are, however, homeowners who install one or more around their properties have a big responsibility on their hands. Window wells require regular maintenance in order to properly function. When you follow this guide to window well maintenance, though, these installments can be truly transformative assets to your basement. If not, initiate drafting one so that all users understand their responsibilities. Have any retired wells disinfected and properly abandoned by a licensed contractor. Unused and unneeded wells can be a liability to active wells using the same aquifer, as well as create personal safety concerns for people and pets. Many property owners feel that old wells are assets because they may want to use them again someday or their property is worth more because of the wells.

Contact Greene’s Water Wells Inc. to help with your agricultural well installation and/or maintenance. Repair the tank or drainfield system as needed to prevent leaks of bacteria and nutrients into the drinking water.

Know if one is installed, what type of treatment method is used, and what the water is being treated for. Read the owner’s manual— at a minimum keep a copy of the current manual and supplier information with your well records for when an issue arises. To protect, preserve and improve groundwater and surface water quality within the Gallatin Local Water Quality District. Check the pressure tank to make sure it is functioning properly. You may want to have a professional evaluate the tank for problems. If your household water is supplied by a private domestic well, YOU are responsible for ensuring the safety and quality of your drinking water!


  • This process will combat any excessive water seepage into the window well.
  • Once the area where the liner meets the foundation dries, you can then apply enough calk there to strengthen the window well liner’s defense.
  • You can complete the repair process DIY-style or with the help of a professional—whichever you’re more comfortable with.
  • If you’re a DIY kind of person, you can just clean away any muddy mess clinging onto the foundation.

What Does A Checkup Involve?

Salt that bridges in the tank will eventually starve the softener of salt and leave you with poor quality water. You should use a resin bed cleaner at intervals recommended by the manufacturer to keep your softener working efficiently. The water softener regeneration drain tube should have an air gap between the drain line and the drain. Casing —Check the general condition and check if the casing extends at least 12 inches above ground. If not, hire a qualified professional to investigate remedial action.

Contact your local health department to help you with the results. If you need assistance, call your local health department by phone or visit the location with your results. They can explain the process and answer any questions you may have. Follow any instructions for water treatments when you get the results.

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